not much to talk about today, but i just wanted to give a few little heads up regarding the blog.
-my html skills are... really not that good. i'm still learning some stuff and whatever but i don't fully understand the how of html. or the why. or whatever. i don't know. but yeah there may be some delay when getting the posts to show up, so just watch out for that or whatever. i'll try to figure out how to prevent any mistakes so posts will roll out a little more often.
-i'm also going to be experimenting with different names for myself, as i'm still trying to figure out what my new name should be. i'm mostly just trying a few out, so once i settle on one i like i'll stick with it (unless i feel like trying another one which most likely won't happen lol) but yeah the name of this blog may change a few times but it'll still be the same! i'll announce whenever i change my name and when i finally settle on one. for right now, i'll probably try out jade, soo... i'll just do that. i'll keep my old name(s) on old posts for preservations sake though.

thanks for reading,